ITP Show Posters

The Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU (ITP) has an open call for poster submissions to promote their semi-annual shows of student work.

The brief was that artwork should be “inspired by topics like physicality, connectedness, shared space, and celebration” and “to see the more humanistic side of our community and less wires, breadboards, and LEDs.”

Being the first planned show that was fully remote (December 2020), I decided to start with a candid image I captured on the subway a week before quarantine started.  I added the VR headsets in Photoshop and the poster within a poster (within a poster) behind them.

This submission was for the Winter 2021 ITP Show.  It was to be the first in-person show post-quarantine, until is was cancelled due to the COVID surge that December.

The brief was the same as the previous year, but with some mandatory text and logos, which I put around the edges of the poster..

ITP prides itself on encouraging repurposing components and materials, and has a shelf unit dedicated to donated junk for student use.  For what was to be the first show back in-person, II decided to invite folks to come play, modeling the text from Nike’s ad campaigns, and adding an arcade button.

